"Crime da Mala" or “Suitcase Crime“, was a famous crime that chocked the population of São Paulo late in the 20s, when a man killed his wife, stung her body, placed in a suitcase and sent it to Paris.
Crime da Mala Editions is a self publishing comic-micro-label grounded in Basel, Switzerland, created specially to sell the artwork and horror comics of Koostella.
Crime da Mala is an analog label, it means, we don´t sell anything online, if you want to get some products our catalog you have to find the suitcase at some independent comic market or festival.

2010 - present
2010 - present

Koostella – (1979 - Curitiba, Brazil) Author of diverse comic books as Gefangene (Zarabatana Books – Brazil,2010) and Europa (Baobab Books, Switzerland 2018), has participated in several collective and solo exhibitions in different countries, has won a few awards with his cartoons, as well as in Porto Cartoon World Festival (Portugal). He also had his work published in many different journals and magazines such as Strapazin (Switzerland), Eulenspiegel (Germany) and Fierro (Argentina). Koostella lives in Basel since 2010 where he made his own micro-comic label Crime da Mala Editions , constantly participating in diverse comic festivals such as in Agouléme FBD (France) and Crack Festival (Rome,Italy). Since 2015 he organizes the independent self publishing comic festival Comicfest in Basel. He also give constantly comic workshops and once a week he works at Comix Shop and Gallery in Basel. Every Tuesday he teaches at K’Werk, School of Design, in Basel, where he gives a comic course for children.
Koostella, 1979 in Curitiba (Brasilien) geboren, ist der Autor diverser Comic-Alben, wie z.B. Gefangene (Zarabatana Books, 2010, Brasilien) und Europa (2018, Baobab Books, Basel). Er stellte an internationalen Gruppen- und Einzelausstellungen aus und gewann mit seinen Cartoons verschiedene Auszeichnungen, beipielsweise beim Porto Cartoon World Festival in Porto, Portugal. Seine Werke wurden unter anderem in den Zeitschriften Strapazin (CH/D), Eulenspiegel (DE) und Fierro (Argentinien) veröffentlicht. Im Jahre 2012 gründete Koostella seinen Mikro-Comic-Verlag Crime da Mala Editions, mit dem er an verschiedenen Comic-Festivals in Europa und Südammerika teilnimmt. Seit 2010 lebt Koostella in Basel (Schweiz), wo er als freier Illustrator und Zeichenlehrer arbeitet. An der Schule für Gestaltung Basel und am Fumetto Comix Festival in Luzern bietet er seit mehreren Jahren Comickurse für Kinder und Jugendliche an und seit vier Jahren organisiert er in Basel das interationale independent Comic und Illustration Festival Comicfest.